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Edit Menu: Resequence Components Next

The Resequence Components function allows you to renumber the components with the following parameters.

LocateBy Pattern StartingFrom StartStep MultiFile Confirm Escape
Component centroid point resequences the components by the centroid point of the component. The centroid point is the center of the component as determined by its extents.
Component insertion point resequences the components by the insertion point of the component. The insertion point of a component is where the component is grabbed from.
Horizontal rows resequence the components in rows that run horizontally across the drawing.
Vertical columns resequence the components in columns that run up and down the drawing sheet.
Lower left resequence the components with the above parameter starting from the lower left corner of the drawing.
Lower right resequence the components with the above parameter starting from the lower right corner of the drawing
Upper left resequence the components with the above parameter starting from the upper left corner of the drawing
Upper right resequence the components with the above parameter starting from the upper right corner of the drawing
Start value this is the value that the program will use for the first component
Step value the amount that the program increment each item i.e. U1, U2, U3 or U10, U20, U30.
Forward annotate to PCB/Back annotate to schematic indicates weather the schematic or PCB file is to be updated with the new data.
Multi-sheet schematic indicated weather all of the sheets of a multi sheet schematic are to be updated. This option will be available only if resequencing is started from the first sheet of a multi-sheet schematic (.sh1).
Sheet start-step enable step value between sheets i.e. sheet 1 be 100's, sheet 2 be 200's and so on.
Start-step value amount to add to each successive sheet.

Related functions:

Edit Components

Grid Align Components