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Edit Menu: Krump Component Next

The Krump Component function is used to modify a component by adding items to it, removing items from it, or dissolving the component into its constituent parts.

To dissolve a component, you must first "grab" the desired component and then enter the key-strokes <EK>. A warning message will appear asking for final confirmation dissolution function.

To add items to an existing component, you must first "place" the desired item, such as a text string, on the desired layer and position it where it is to reside. Next "grab" the item and then position the cursor (with the item attached) somewhere within the interior of the desired target component and enter the key-strokes <EK>. Finally, press the <Escape> key or <right mouse> to set the item back down in its original position.

To remove items from an existing component, you must first "grab" the desired item and then position the cursor somewhere outside the confines of the original component and enter the key-strokes <EK>. The item may then be moved to its final destination position and placed back on the screen.

Related functions:

Place Component

Grab Component

Delete Component

Build Component

Nest Component