
Attention all Vista and Windows 7 users:
Over the past many months, we here at Holophase headquarters have been working
on a new version of the program, re-writing it at the deepest levels of the code
while leaving the visible high-level features intact. The new version (OmniGlyph
Version 6) is now available for download. It's internal drawing engine has been
completely replaced with a new one designed to specifically match the new display
paradigm presented by Windows Version 6 (Vista, Win-7, and Win-8). The user
interface is identical to OmniGlyph Version 5.5g.
Download Evaluation Copy of CIRCAD
CIRCAD Version 6 (OmniGlyph-V6)
Same look and feel as OmniGlyph-V5.
New drawing engine w/o Direct Draw.
Fully compatible with Vista, Win-7, and Win-8.
CIRCAD Version 5 (OmniGlyph-V5)
Expanded drawing area and resolution.
Extensive integrated help on menus and dialog boxes.
Powerful integrated text editor.
Enhanced pixel image processing for reverse engineering.
CIRCAD Version 4 (CIRCAD'98)
Maintains the same efficient "look and feel" of the original DOS CIRCAD.
Smooth screen autopanning without the need for clumsy and inefficient scroll bars.
Uses direct video hardware access to provide astoundingly fast screen redraws.
Core routines written in assembler language, encased in an envelope of C++ code.
Written entirely in 16-bit assembler code.
Full functionality under Windows 3.1
100% DOS compatible.